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- 1473
- 1350
- 1341
- 1109
- 1726
- 1848
- 1370
- 914
- 1449
- 1084
- 1140
- 806
- 1352
- 1621
- 1777
- 557
- 979
- 1776
- 1257
- 396
- 648
- 560
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- 981
- 643
- 1010
- 1548
- 1325
- 693
- 1098
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- 1964
- 1152
- 2
- 711
- 1178
- 594
- 846
- 525
- 832
- 1361
- 1113
- 248
- 1296
- 1147
- 850
- 1372
- 825
- 1213
- 886
- 442
- 735
- 1940
- 1085
- 733
- 361
- 467
- 717
- 301
- 45
- 221
- 351
- 277
- 1177
- 1654
- 910
- 600
- 1963
- 134
- 1252
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- 1035
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- 446
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